Revolution in Orthopedic Surgery: How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are Transforming Procedures
Introduction: In the field of orthopedic surgery, technological innovation is…
Medteclive 2024
21 June 2024exhibition,medteclive,fairNews,Medical
Another Medteclive is over! We was there even this year. Thanks to all you…
Neutral and compression plates, what are the differences?
6 March 2024medical,orthopedic,plates,surgery,medicaldeviceMedical
As we have written in the past, bone tissue is mechanically very resistant.…
31 January 2024spine,pet,dog,Arthrodesis,vet,surgeryMedical
Arthrosis of the spine is a degenerative disease that mainly affects older dogs…
Polyethylene and orthopedic surgery
18 January 2024Polyethylene,orthopedic,surgeryMedical
Polyethylene is a polymeric material that is used in the orthopedic surgical…
Pre-curved rods for orthopedic spinal surgery
4 December 2023spine,bars,precurvedMedical
Pre-curved rods for spinal surgery are metal rods that are inserted into the…
Additive manufacturing in orthopedic surgery
26 October 2023additivemanufacturingNews,Medical
Additive manufacturing was introduced in the orthopedic field in the early…
Subsidised finance
16 October 2023finance,tax,investimentMedical
Subsidised finance refers to a series of financial instruments, tax incentives…
Green lubricant
When we imagine a mechanical workshop, we generally and usually think about…